Drought Tolerant Landscaping

Is It Time to Rip Out Your Grass?
Seeing the Tell-Tale Signs? Is It Time to Rip Out Your Grass?
Consider a Landscape Makeover with Drought Resistant Plantings
If you frequently have bare spots or dull and brownish patches on your lawn, you may want to think about a long-term solution. Maybe it’s time to rip out your grass and replace it with low maintenance ground cover.
Here are a few signs that your grass is in tr…

Water Saving Plans Can Result in Rebates
Roll Out Water Saving Plans that can Result in Rebates
Implement Water-Conserving Landscape Strategies
The Santa Clara Valley Authority is now offering rebates for qualified customers who submit their applications by June 30, 2022. As the weather warms up, many commercial property owners are thinking about how to spruce up their landscaping. As always, water-saving measures will typica…

Why Artificial Grass Installation Can Be Better than Natural Grass?
Artificial Grass Installation Can Be Better than Natural Grass – Here’s Why
Benefits of Artificial Grass for Bay Area Properties
As the weather warms up, residential and commercial property owners begin to think about sprucing up their lawns. Beautiful green grass soothes the eye and forms the largest part of many landscapes. However, there are numerous problems with natural grass that…

10 Water Saving Ideas for Your Landscaping
Update Your Water Management Strategies
Water management is always a top priority for landscaping in the Bay Area. Our team provides these great ideas to conserve water while hydrating your lawn, trees, and shrubs.
10 Ways to Save More Water in Your Commercial Landscaping
We can help you implement some of these ideas in your landscape maintenance strategy.
Choose the right water…

Ideal Trees for Low-Maintenance Landscapes
Select the Ideal Trees for Low-Maintenance Landscapes
Identify Bay Area Trees that Provide Shade without the Mess
If you’re looking to add trees to your commercial property in the Bay Area, consider the ideal trees for low-maintenance landscapes.
First, think about the purpose the tree will serve. For public spaces, hospital campuses, businesses, schools, and commercial properties…

Planning for Drought Landscape Management in 2020
Be Prepared for a Dry Summer 2020 Across the Bay Area
A year ago, in March 2019, the
entire state of California became drought-free for the first time in almost a
decade, bringing much needed relief to the area. However, with a record 0
rainfall in February 2020, the months ahead look less promising and issues of
water shortage will inevitably arise again. Commercial property owners and…

2020 Planning Ideas for Commercial Properties
Smart Planning Ideas for Commercial Properties in 2020
Stunning Landscapes with Reduced Maintenance Costs
Have you set new budgets and
drawn up fresh plans for 2020 for your commercial property? What are your key landscaping
or hardscaping objectives for the New Year? Do you want to enhance visual
appeal, or decrease maintenance expenses, or both? Petalon’s landscape
management special…

Is Drought Tolerant Landscaping Still Required for Bay Area Properties?
What are the Benefits?
After the frequent winter storms and heavy rain in the beginning of this year, the Bay Area has officially bid goodbye to the drought. In fact, by March 2019, the entire state of California came out of drought for the first time since December 2011. While this is excellent news for residents who have faced severe water shortage issues, do commercial properties in t…
Petalon Landscape Management, Inc.
Address : 1766 Rogers Ave. San Jose, CA. 95112
Phone : 408-453-3998